Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
By Sue Johnson
I recommend
Hold Me Tight to my therapy clients constantly. My clients say repeatedly, “Our fights are in this book on page….” I have read literally dozens of popular couple and family books over 30 years and this is the best at addressing feelings of closeness, connection and chronic repetitive fights or deadening and withdrawal in the relationship.
Readers connect to the book. Resolving the issues of feeling connected, your partner having your back, feeling alive in your partner’s mind frees a couple to communicate and resolve long-standing issues quickly. Johnson also works with Gay and Lesbian couples, and this book seems to talk to their experience as well.
Often couples fight when they don’t feel their relationship is solid. This book really speaks to clients and is the best explanation of the complicated “attachment issues.” This book brings that concept to life and makes it clear. By illuminating how to go through the seven core conversations, she helps couples move to a happier, more intimate relationship. She debunks the myth that relationships have to grow stale. She is happily married herself and she knows how wonderful a strong connection can be. A few clients find the book challenging to read but still feel that it is explaining something important to them.
I am very familiar with Sue Johnson’s work. She is by far the best clinician writing about and researching marital therapy. Amazingly, her method resolves even very difficult cases in about 12 longish sessions. John Gottman calls her the world’s best marital therapist.
I have watched her do therapy many times on video at workshops and advanced trainings. She is magic, but so far her books have been aimed at professionals and were too complex for even many professionals to understand, let alone clients. This one works!